I'm a stay-at-home mom from Indiana. I love graphic design and photography.
Hey all!

I'm working on a new dock background, but, in order to get the background the way I want it, I'm using blank shortcuts on both ends. There are different graphics on both ends of the background that I'd like to be shown. Is there anything in the text script that I can do to, say, write in that both ends of the dock be left with a certain amount of space before/after the icons?

Thanks for the help!
on Dec 18, 2007
Use the OutsideBorderLeft and Right tags

OutsideBorderLeft = 20
OutsideBorderRight = 20

Start with that and adjust as necessary.   

Be careful though. Depending on the width of your actual graphic and what you have the Left and Right sides set at, you might end up with a blank spot in the middle. The left width + right width + outsideborderleft + outsideborderright can not add up to more than the actual width of the graphic.
on Jan 02, 2008
Thanks, messiah! I'll work on that.